Managing Files, Metadata and Categories

What audio file formats does Live365 support?
File upload format You can upload tracks that are encoded in MP3, M4A or AAC audio format to your Live365 library.  The MP3 files should be encoded betwe...
How do I convert my iTunes music to MP3s?
To upload tracks to your Live365 Library, your files must be in MP3, AAC or M4A formats. Other files of different types should not be uploaded. The MP3 fil...
How to convert batches of MP3 files using fre:ac
There are many audio conversion applications available. We're advocates of open source software and Fre:ac is one of our favorite utilities out there. F...
Some of my MP3 files have different bitrates. Will they sound louder/softer?
You can upload any tracks with a bitrate of 128kbps or less. You might have tracks with a bitrate of  32kbps, 64kbps, 96kbps, or 128kbps. It is recommended ...
The importance of accurate metadata in Live365
Live365 needs "each" commercially produced song to be on its own track and to display the correct artist name, track title, and album. Blank metad...
How do I make sure my tracks have metadata before I add them to my Library? (Mac Edition)
On a Mac, you can add metadata to your tracks using the iTunes application. Step 1) Open your file using iTunes. (In iTunes, select File -> Add to Libr...
How do I make sure that my tracks have metadata before I add them to my Library? (PC version)
On a PC, you can edit the track metadata directly once you've located the file.  Left-click on the audio file that you want to edit.  When the pop-up...
Use MusicBrainz Picard to get metadata for your tracks
Accurate song title, artist, and album title are essential to your Live365 station being in compliance with licensing regulations and royalty reporting. Her...
Media Types
Media Types are a Live365-internal way to organize the tracks in your library. There are 6 Media Types available to choose from. Media Types are predefined ...
Track Categories
Categories are a user-defined way of organizing tracks in your Live365 library. Categories can help to make searching your Library and building Playlists an...
Media Library and Management
This article will show you how to navigate the Live365 media library interface. We'll help you understand the information displayed and explain the func...
What happened to my Uncategorized tracks?
The legacy Broadcaster software was allowing you to set tracks as "Uncategorized" Track Type. This Track Type was found to cause a series of playb...
Using the "Do Not Play" flag
By using the "Do Not Play" option on individual tracks, you can take them out of rotation without having to delete them. The ability to hide trac...
Using Track Categories and Media Types together in ClockWheels
The Live365 software has a built-in rule which is intended to help you create robust, versatile ClockWheels. However, this means that you can only apply one...
Deleting tracks that are in a playlist or scheduled event
Within the Live365 Dashboard software, you can easily delete uploaded media. However, we have intentionally restricted deletion of media which is listed in ...
Why am I seeing "null" tracks once I add them to the playlist?
You may notice that some tracks have "null" listed next to their title once they are inserted into a playlist. This article will explain how to co...
Creating a consistent sounding library with MP3Gain
Have you ever had to adjust the volume of your speakers after a song change because the next one was too loud or too quiet? Use MP3Gain to get a more consis...