This article will show you how to navigate the Live365 media library interface. We'll help you understand the information displayed and explain the functionalities available to you so that you can easily manage your uploaded tracks.

The purpose of the Live365 media library is to house all your tracks in a cloud environment and allow them to be used as 24/7 audio content for your Live365 station. Every one of our packages comes with cloud storage capacity, and this is a key part of a modern internet radio platform.

Tip: You may have access to 1 or more Live365 stations. See our Dashboard Navigation article to learn more about selecting the station which you want to work with. Once on that Station's Overview page, you can then follow along.

Besides the storage aspect, the Live365 media library comes up with many functions and features for editing, managing and sorting your uploaded audio tracks.

Within your library, you can store the following types of audio files, in MP3 or M4A format:

  • Music - Used for copyrighted content, including music.
  • Talk - Used for live recordings and spoken word content like podcasts, sermons, interviews, and storytelling.
  • Promo - Best used for promotional tracks and tracks only to be aired for a limited time, such as concert announcements, sponsor mentions, seasonal tracks, etc.
  • ID - Used for tracks that help your listeners identify which station they are listening to. IDs are also sometimes referred to as jingles or sweepers. 
  • Ad - You cannot label anything as an Ad, but you might see this Media Type in the search feature. Ads are controlled by Live365.
  • MultiTrack - Coming soon!

Overview of the interface and functionalities

The Live365 media library can be accessed by navigating to Tracks within the station's Dashboard.

Here is a list of each of the functions of this interface, numbered to correspond with the below screenshot:

  1. Add Tracks - Used for uploading files. Once you click this button, the upload process will be initiated. More details on how to upload files can be found in the Upload tracks to the Live365 Media Library.

  2. Search and Filter Bar - This tool is designed to provide you searching and filtering for your Live365 library. When you select tracks editing, the Search and Filter Bar is replaced with the following actions: Change Track Type, Change Categories, Edit Metadata, Delete Tracks. You can use the Clear Filters function to remove all the sorting and filtering that is currently applied to the library and return to the default view.

  3. Column Sorting - You can use this section to sort tracks alphabetically, by Title, Duration, Artist, or Album and then order them ascending or descending by Year. In order to do this, simply click on each column.

  4. Track list - The large main section of this interface displays the current tracks from your library and their attributes. The track list is set to display 30 files per page (see section 5). Note that what you see here is affected by what you've specified in the Search and Filter Bar along with any Column Sorting applied.

  5. Page selection - The maximum number of tracks that can be displayed per page is 30. You can easily navigate through the pages from this section. Also, in the bottom right corner, a current total count of tracks is being displayed. If your library has a higher number of tracks and pages, you can use the Jump To Page droplist to quickly navigate through.

  6. Track selection check-boxes - Use these to initiate a bulk edit of the selected tracks. Once a track is selected, the Search and Filter Bar will display available editing options. These include Change Track Type, Change Categories, Edit Metadata, Delete Tracks.

  7. Status - Visual representation of the Do Not Play flag. This will display a green icon next to each track if it's ready to be played in the AutoDJ rotation or ClockWheels, and a grey one if it's taken out of the rotation. You can use the Search and Filter Bar to filter tracks by Status.

  8. Tracks' Metadata - Displays the Title, Duration, Artist, and Album of each track from your Live365 library.

  9. Media Types - These types are how Live365 groups your files in your Library. There are currently 5 different Media Types: Music, Talk, ID, Promo, and Ad. More information about each of them can be found in the Media Types help article.

  10. Categories - Represents a customizable and user-defined way of labeling tracks in your Library. A track can have multiple Categories, but it can only have one media Type. Read more about this in our Track Categories help article.

Note: To edit each of the tracks in your Live365 library individually, simply click on the track and you will be redirected to a separate edit screen.

If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the information presented above, please contact the Live365 Support Team by emailing or by submitting a support ticket.