Before you use AutoDJ or Schedule Event modes, you will need to upload tracks to your station's media library. This tutorial will get you familiar with the uploading process.

Tip: The tracks you upload don’t necessarily need to be music. You can also upload pre-recorded syndicated shows, spoken word tracks such as interviews, station jingles, podcasts, etc.

The Live365 Dashboard currently, supports MP3, AAC and M4A audio file formats.

Encoding requirements for the MP3 files:

  • Recommended bitrate: 64-192kbps 
  • Bitrate Mode: Constant
  • Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
  • Channel Mode: Joint-Stereo

Encoding requirements for the M4A files:

  • Recommended bitrate: 64-192kbps
  • Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

Encoding requirements for the AAC files:

  • Recommended bitrate: 64-192kbps
  • Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

Upload tracks by selecting Tracks from the Station Menu.

Next, click the orange Add tracks button at the top right of the Tracks page. For best results, upload similar tracks in each batch because you can only select one Type for all the tracks in each batch.

Once you have clicked the orange Add tracks button, select the type of files that you wish to upload. Be sure to set the Track Type in order for your station to function correctly!

Choose tracks from your computer or external hard drive to upload. These will be stored in your station’s media library and will ONLY be available to you (at this time, Live365 does not have a shared music library). Live365 will detect if you have already uploaded a copy of the current track and will not upload duplicate copies.

Note: If you are using an older version of Safari, the drag and drop files capability might not work as intended. In this case, please click on the file selection area then select the files you wish to upload from the hard drive.

Once you have added the desired tracks to the queue, you can also make adjustments to the metadata tags of the files. Only edit the information in the fields that you would like to modify the tags compared to the original file.

When the metadata changes are applied, Click the orange Done button as indicated in the image below.

Note: You should verify the correctness of the metadata prior to uploading tracks. Adjustments made in the upload process will only be applied in the Live365 library and will not update the file on your local machine.

Proceed to the next New User Guide article: Live365 New User Guide - Updating track metadata

This article is part of the new user series. Here are the standard articles about this topic:
- The importance of accurate metadata in Live365
- What audio file formats does Live365 support?
- How do I convert my music to MP3s?
Media Types
How many tracks can I upload to my library?