Live365 needs "each" commercially produced song to be on its own track and to display the correct artist name, track title, and album. Blank metadata can cause issues for AutoDJ and SoundExchange Reporting.

It's very important that your tracks display correct metadata within Live365 to comply with our music licensing partners. In LiveDJ mode, there are tools like Station Playlist and Nexgen which have cue sheet features that allow for reporting multiple metadata events for a single audio file.

Metadata is the information attached to a track that shows the track title, artist, and album. This information is important, not only for Sound Exchange reporting, but it also helps AutoDJ function properly, giving you a wider selection of songs and much better track rotation.

You should try to avoid having any tracks with blank metadata, or that are labeled as "untitled artist" and "untitled album." This is because the DMCA check will think that all those tracks are from the same artist or album, even though they might not be. This is important because according to the DMCA, you can only have songs from the same artist or album a maximum of 4 times in 3 hours.

Note: Each AutoDJ track should only contain one song, unless you are direct licensed, broadcasting non-copyrighted content, or are the copyright owner.

The tracks that contain multiple commercially produced songs (for example, syndicated programming) should be uploaded as MultiTrack type and you should add markers to define each subtracks' metadata.

You can update your track metadata from inside the Live365 interface.

From the Navigation Bar on the left side of the Live365 interface, select Media ➡ Tracks.

  1. Click on the track that you would like to edit the metadata tags for.
  2. This will open a new window from where you can edit the track's metadata.

    1) Edit the track title.
    2) Edit the track performing artist.
    3) Edit the album title.
    4) Edit the year when the track has been launched.

  3. Once you have added the correct metadata information to each field, click the orange "Save" button. 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding metadata, please contact the Support Team here.