The notification AutoDJ ClockWheel fallback to Random  is triggered when the system is unable to pick a track from a Category or Media type for the next ClockWheel entry.

This notification only triggers when your Live365 station is running on a ClockWheel as AutoDJ mode. 

Specifically, this means that the ClockWheel pattern you were using for ClockWheel as AutoDJ mode has failed due to a limitation, and the station is now running in AutoDJ Random track selection mode.

Once the AutoDJ ClockWheel falls back to the Random selection, the system will pick and play tracks randomly from your Live365 library instead of following the ClockWheel's pattern.

The ClockWheel must be designed in a way that it can be used for many hours of AutoDJ programming, and this notification comes up when that is not the case.

Please make sure that your Categories and Media types (especially Music) that you are using as entries in the ClockWheel have enough tracks to perform a 12 hour rotation and still be in compliance with the DMCA Regulations. 

Here are the DMCA rules that our system must follow for music tracks on AutoDJ, Playlist, and ClockWheel mode:

  • No more than 3 songs consecutively from the same artist 
  • No more than 2 songs consecutively from the same album 
  • No more than 4 songs from the same artist in a 3 hour period 
  • No more than 3 songs from the same album in a 3 hour period 

Additionally, all the tracks from your Live365 library should have the correct metadata set (Artist - Song name - Album). Having one or all of the metadata fields labeled as "Untitled Title/Artist/Album" can trick the system into considering your tracks as being from the same Artist or Record label and will not be able to select a valid file for the next ClockWheel's entry.

Once these aspects are investigated and corrected please set the ClockWheel back as a source for AutoDJ from the Sources -> AutoDJ pane.