You are not required to obtain your own licensing. All standard Live365 Broadcaster packages offer customers a "one-stop" service by providing bandwidth, broadcasting tools, and music licensing (for the United States, Canada, and the U.K.) all in one place! 

When joining Live365, we automatically cover ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, GMR and AllTrack licenses in the United States, as well as SOCAN and Re:Sound for Canada, and PPL and PRS for Music for the U.K. Our coverage is provided through finalized agreements, interim agreements, and consent decrees with the respective collection societies. These licenses are essential to running an online radio station, and they form a good portion of your monthly package cost. Listening from your station page in the Live365 directory and from your custom pop-out player will only be available to listeners in the United States, Canada, and the U.K. unless you acquire foreign licenses. 

For more information on our coverage, please review our Live365 Broadcaster Terms of Service.